curve_apps.edges package


curve_apps.edges.driver module

class curve_apps.edges.driver.EdgesDriver(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: BaseCurveDriver

Driver for the edge detection application.


parameters – Application parameters.

static get_canny_edges(grid: geoh5py.objects.Grid2D, data:, detection: EdgeDetectionParameters) numpy.ndarray

Get edges from a grid.

  • grid – Grid2D object.

  • data – FloatData object.

  • detection – Detection parameters.


Edges from Canny transform.

static get_edges(grid: geoh5py.objects.Grid2D, edges: numpy.ndarray, detection: EdgeDetectionParameters) tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray] | tuple[None, None]

Find edges in gridded data.

Params grid:

A Grid2D object.

Params edges:

Edges representation of the grid from Canny transform.

Params detection:

Detection parameters.

:returns : n x 3 array. Vertices of edges. :returns : n x 2 float array. Cells of edges.

static get_line_indices(canny_image: numpy.ndarray, line_length: int = 1, line_gap: int = 1, threshold: int = 1, window_size: int | None = None) list

Get indices forming lines on a canny image.

The process is done over tiles of square size. The tiles overlap by 25%.

  • canny_image – Edges.

  • line_length – Minimum accepted pixel length of detected lines. (Hough)

  • line_gap – Maximum gap between pixels to still form a line. (Hough)

  • threshold – Value threshold. (Hough)

  • window_size – Size of the window to search for lines.


List of indices.


Make curve object from edges detected in source data.

The application relies on the Canny and Hough transforms from the Scikit-Image library.

curve_apps.edges.params module

class curve_apps.edges.params.EdgeDetectionParameters(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: BaseModel

Edge detection parameters.

  • line_length – Minimum accepted pixel length of detected lines. (Hough)

  • line_gap – Maximum gap between pixels to still form a line. (Hough)

  • sigma – Standard deviation of the Gaussian filter. (Canny)

  • threshold – Value threshold. (Hough)

  • window_size – Size of the window to search for lines.

  • merge_length – Minimum length between nodes that should be merged.

line_gap: int = 1
line_length: int = 1
merge_length: float | None = None
sigma: float = 10
threshold: int = 1
window_size: int | None = None
class curve_apps.edges.params.EdgeOutputParameters(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: BaseModel

Output parameters.

  • export_as – Name of the output entity.

  • out_group – Name of the output group.

export_as: str | None = 'edges'
out_group: UIJsonGroup | None = None
class curve_apps.edges.params.EdgeParameters(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: BaseData

Edge detection parameters for use with edges.driver.

  • detection – Detection parameters expected for the edge detection.

  • source – Parameters for the source object and data.

  • output – Output parameters.

conda_environment: str = 'curve_apps'
default_ui_json: ClassVar[Path] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/')
detection: EdgeDetectionParameters
name: ClassVar[str] = 'edges'
run_command: ClassVar[str] = 'curve_apps.edges.driver'
source: EdgeSourceParameters
title: ClassVar[str] = 'Edge Detection'
class curve_apps.edges.params.EdgeSourceParameters(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: BaseModel

Source parameters expected by the ui.json file format.

  • objects – A Grid2D source object.

  • data – Data values to find edges on.

data: FloatData
objects: Grid2D